Updated 9 years ago

Office 365 Security Analytics Service – Finding and Fixing Risk is Now Easy!

by jake

2 min read

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Microsoft released the preview availability of a new security analytics service called the “Office 365 Secure Score”

What is Office 365 Security Score?

Office 365 Security Score is a security analytics tool which will help you to quickly evaluate your Office 365 security settings based on industry standard and give you score for your security adoption. This tool additionally allows you to improve your security score by doing some recommended action.

How the Secure Score is Calculated?

First, the total available points for your tenant is calculated by accounting the services which are active or enabled in your tenant. Next, your tenant score is calculated by checking all the security settings applied to those services. Once both the point is calculated you get your Secure Score.

There are totally 77 security actions are identified and implemented in the current preview.

How to Access this Tool?

You can head to https://securescore.office.com to access this tool. You need to a global admin in order to use this tool.

More Features.

  • Target Score : It allows you to set your target score, and list out the necessary security changes that need to be applied to achieve that score.
  • Take Action : Helping you figure out which actions to take to improve your score is the purpose of the Secure Score.
  • Compare Your Score : It allows you to compare your score with the O365 average score. The Office 365 Average Secure Score is calculated from every Office 365 customer’s Secure Score.
  • Score Analyser : It shows you the trend map of your score alone with the industry average. This data can be exported to PDF or CSV format.
  • Risk Assesment : It shows the top threats in the tenant and gives the particular configuration and behaviours.

You can see the Microsoft release announcement about this tool here.

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